Prospective of Intercultural Teaching Competencies in Relation to Technology and Neuroeducation

Alina de las Mercedes Martínez Sánchez 1 * , Antonio Hernández Fernández 2, Rosa María Esteban Moreno 1
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1 Pedagogy Department, University Autonomous of Madrid, Madrid, SPAIN
2 Pedagogy Department, University of Jaén, Jaén, SPAIN
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 12, Issue 4, Article No: e202239.
OPEN ACCESS   1808 Views   1112 Downloads   Published online: 02 Oct 2022
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The objective of this research is to analyze the prospective of intercultural teaching competence in relation to technology and neuroeducation. The research design is nonexperimental, descriptive, explanatory and regression. The sample, by convenience, is formed by students from Spanish and foreign universities, in 605 participants. A Likert scale questionnaire, constructed ad hoc, was applied. The quantitative methodology was developed through automatic linear regression modeling and a decision tree. The most relevant results show that this prospective is possible, determining that it is necessary to promote inclusion and to know the different cultures in the classroom, since they are the reason why intercultural teaching competence will undoubtedly develop, on the other hand, if we want to promote intercultural teaching competence, we must adopt neuroeducation as a basis, being of great help to use technological teaching competences, which in turn must have a neuroeducational character.


Martínez Sánchez, A. D. L. M., Hernández Fernández, A., & Esteban Moreno, R. M. (2022). Prospective of Intercultural Teaching Competencies in Relation to Technology and Neuroeducation. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 12(4), e202239.


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