The Degree of Dependence on International Reporting in Macedonian Internet Media from Global News Agencies
Bojan Blazhevski 1 *
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1 Macedonia
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 3, Issue 4, pp. 107-125.
OPEN ACCESS 1621 Views 656 Downloads Published online: 25 Oct 2013
The paper tries to research again some of the conclusions of the MacBride report „Many Voices, One World“ implemented and published from UNESCO in1980, with particular review on present situation in Macedonian new media. Using the method of content analysis, quantitative research results were obtained for two weeks in the period from April 1 to April 15 2011. In accordance with criterias, in the paper are investigated four most read Macedonian internet media: Kajgana, Tocka, Onnet and Idividi. Research results argue that there is no direct dependence on four internet media from global news agencies, because don't exist undertaken articles for international events from these agencies. However, the second indicator is proved in terms of absence of correspondent and associate network at macedonian internet media in reporting for the latest developments from abroad. Results show the monopoly of information at portals Kajgana, Tocka, Onnet and Idividi from Macedonian news agencies Macedonian Information Agency (MIA), Makfaks and Netpres which exists as only source of information for international events.
Blazhevski, B. (2013). The Degree of Dependence on International Reporting in Macedonian Internet Media from Global News Agencies.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 3(4), 107-125.