Social Media Advertising/Marketing: A Study of Awareness, Attitude and Responsiveness by Nigerian Youths
Nkiru Esther Otugo 1 *, Chikezie Emmanuel Uzuegbunam 2, Chinedu Okey Obikeze 1
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1 Anambra State University, Nigeria
2 Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka – Nigeria
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 5, Issue December 2015 - Special Issue, pp. 117-140.
OPEN ACCESS 2235 Views 5645 Downloads Published online: 01 Dec 2015
The growing popularity of the social media has without question brought about a paradigmatic shift in the way advertisers and marketers seek to promote their goods and services and affect the purchasing decisions of their customers and targets. However, research on advertisements positioned on these social networks and the level of awareness, attitude and responsiveness of its users are relatively still developing, especially within the Nigerian context. Because Facebook has, among the various social media, grown exponentially to become the biggest and most popular today, this study thus investigates the level of awareness, attitude and responsiveness to Facebook advertising on the part of Nigerian youths who are believed to be active social media users. Drawing a sample size of 400 from some select universities in South East Nigeria, the survey finds high awareness of Facebook advertising among the youths. However, it was found that in their vicarious experiences with Facebook, these youths experience some “attention challenges” in noticing and observing the ads. Their attitude to the Ads also indicate a cause for worry: even though they fancy and see Facebook Ads as useful, majority of them would not buy the product or visit the website for more or even “Like” products or services liked by their friends. Debunking the Uses-and-gratification theory to some extent, the study supports the social cognitive theory of communication and recommends that social media advertisers make their Ads more assertive, eye-catchy, detailed, brief and concise, more visible and more properly positioned, among others.
Otugo, N. E., Uzuegbunam, C. E., & Obikeze, C. O. (2015). Social Media Advertising/Marketing: A Study of Awareness, Attitude and Responsiveness by Nigerian Youths.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 5(December 2015 - Special Issue), 117-140.
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