Role, Opportunities and Challenges of Collaboration and Interface Indian and Iranian Cinema
Kaveri Devi Mishra 1 * ,
Maryam Vaziri 2 More Detail
1 The Papua New Guinea University of Technology, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
2 Mysore University, INDIA
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 9, Issue 3, Article No: e201916.
OPEN ACCESS 2136 Views 1629 Downloads Published online: 23 Jul 2019
This is an explanatory study based on library and secondary data about the cultural and artistic communication between countries of Iran and India in past and current status. India is an important trans-regional hub in cinema that has own culture and style which also influence other countries even on people life style or movies of different directors. In the other hand, Iran is a country with younger cinema industry which still has amount of good films and profession directors who are in touch with India and influence each other. They caused more interaction between these two great countries. Although the Iranian style of movies has different aspects from Indian, but beside of cultural and sociological impact, we cannot also deny the collaboration between directors and artists. The main question of this study is how we can use this cultural aspect in the future for the better communication between these two communities.
Mishra, K. D., & Vaziri, M. (2019). Role, Opportunities and Challenges of Collaboration and Interface Indian and Iranian Cinema.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 9(3), e201916.
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