Product Placement in TV Shows: The Effect of Consumer Socialization Agents on Product Placement Attitude and Purchase Intention

Eunseon Kwon 1 *, Jong-Hyuok Jung 2
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1 University of Missouri, USA
2 Texas Christian University, USA
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 3, Issue 4, pp. 88-106.
OPEN ACCESS   1877 Views   3753 Downloads   Published online: 25 Oct 2013
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In recent years, many studies have investigated consumers‟ attitudes toward product placement in media content, such as movies and TV shows. However, few studies have explored the influence of peer communication and media consumption on product placement attitudes and purchase intention of products that displayed in TV shows. Drawing on the consumer socialization framework, the current study investigates product placement attitudes and behavioral intentions via online survey. Moreover, this research examined the impact of reading online consumer review of placed products as an extended socialization variable. Results show that peer communication, a socialization agent, is strongly related to both product placement-related attitudes and purchase intentions. Findings also indicate that reading online consumer reviews of placed products is a good predictor of consumers‟ purchase intentions.


Kwon, E., & Jung, J.-H. (2013). Product Placement in TV Shows: The Effect of Consumer Socialization Agents on Product Placement Attitude and Purchase Intention. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 3(4), 88-106.