Glocal Advertising Strategies of Global Companies on Changing Media Platforms
İbrahim Dalkılıç 1 *
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1 Girne Amerikan Üniversitesi – İletişim Fakültesi İletişim ve Medya Yönetimi Doktora Öğrencisi
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 7, Issue December 2017 - Special Issue, pp. 22-27.
OPEN ACCESS 1427 Views 688 Downloads Published online: 01 Dec 2017
In today's changing market conditions, the necessity for brands to carry out their marketing activities through more competitive approaches is increasing. As global brands turn to foreign markets under the influence of globalization, they both maintain their global attitude and design their marketing strategies according to the local conditions of the new markets in which they operate.
With globalization, the world has entered an irreversible path and has created the necessity of developing new strategies according to changing conditions. Advertisement, which has a key commercial role in shaping the consumption culture, has also gained a new form according to the new order.
The subject of this study is; Global brands such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi also tend not to ignore local preferences and expectations in every geography they reach. In this context; The popular approach of today's competitive market conditions, "think globally, act locally" has become the marketing principle of many global companies in the recent period. Since this approach requires being both global and local at the same time in advertising, the concept of "glocal", which is the equivalent of global-local, has entered the terminology.
Purpose of the research; The aim is to evaluate the glocal advertising approach of global companies and to conduct quantitative content analysis on the most watched advertising films published in 2016 on the official Facebook channels of Coca-Cola and Pepsi companies in the Turkish market.
Dalkılıç, İ. (2017). Glocal Advertising Strategies of Global Companies on Changing Media Platforms. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 7(December 2017 - Special Issue), 22-27.
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