Analysis on the Use of Continuous Improvement, Technology and Flipped Classroom in the Teaching-Learning Process by means of Data Science

Ricardo-Adán Salas-Rueda 1 *
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1 La Salle University, MEXICO
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 8, Issue 4, pp. 325-343.
OPEN ACCESS   3646 Views   2314 Downloads   Published online: 12 Nov 2018
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This mixed research uses the Juran’s methodology to achieve continuous improvement in the teaching-learning process on mathematics through technology. This study proposes the creation of a virtual environment by means of the FreeDFD simulator, flipped classroom and YouTube videos with the purpose of linking the theoretical topics in the Logical of Predicates Unit with the field of computer science. The variables related to the teaching-learning process are Efficiency (assimilation of knowledge) and Technical Quality (Bloom’s Taxonomy: Memory, Comprehension and Application). On the other hand, students’ perception is analyzed through the Quality of service (teaching-learning process, technological ability and mathematical ability) and Customer satisfaction (utility, benefits and need). By means of data mining (decision trees technique), this research identifies four predictive models on assimilation of knowledge considering Bloom’s Taxonomy. The results obtained from linear regression (machine learning with 50% training and 50% evaluation) indicate that the Juran’s methodology facilitates the construction of virtual educational spaces through the stages related to the identification of clients, establishment of customer needs, translation of needs into the language of the organization, development of the product or service, creation of a process and transfer of the process to the operation. In conclusion, universities should improve educational conditions considering aspects of the technology, flipped classroom and continuous improvement.


Salas-Rueda, R.-A. (2018). Analysis on the Use of Continuous Improvement, Technology and Flipped Classroom in the Teaching-Learning Process by means of Data Science. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 8(4), 325-343.


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