Work Orientation in Korean CEO’s On-line Greetings
Yeonkwon Jung 1 *
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1 Kansai Gaidai University, Japan
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp. 153-181.
OPEN ACCESS 1604 Views 1251 Downloads Published online: 24 Apr 2012
The main aim of the study is to explicate prior orientation to work and priorities in what Korean companies wants from their work. CEO’s on-line greeting texts in big three Korean companies (Hyundai Motors; LG Corp.; Samsung Electronics) are chosen as major data of the study. Eccles and Nohria’s (1992) Strategic Triadic is used as a framework for data analysis. This study exemplifies that communication orientation to stakeholders is different across companies (i.e. Hyundai’s globalization; LG’s customer value; Samsung’s excellence). Furthermore, this finding shows that actual code of conduct emphasized by the CEOs is not going well with official corporate values.
Jung, Y. (2012). Work Orientation in Korean CEO’s On-line Greetings.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 2(2), 153-181.