What Matters For Assuring Radio Program Quality
Chia-Kun Lee 1 *
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1 I-Shou University, Taiwan
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 5, Issue December 2015 - Special Issue, pp. 201-212.
OPEN ACCESS 1609 Views 1450 Downloads Published online: 01 Dec 2015
Radio broadcasting is one of the most widespread electronic mass media. The competition among incumbent radio stations grows drastically due to the market change and environmental evolution. Managing program quality becomes a critical issue to a radio station to sharpen its competitive advantages. Quality management of radio programs is intertwined with complicated factors. In order to identify the primary factors affecting radio program quality as well as explore the impact level these factors bring, this study adopts modified Delphi method, which is based on total quality management theory to develop the questionnaire. According to the outcomes of the pilot test, the factors can be categorized into four dimensions: operation, coordination, structure and improvement. The coordination dimension comprises four sub-dimensions while the rest respectively comprise two sub-dimensions. Each sub-dimension includes six to nineteen indicators for measuring radio program quality. In total, there are 71 indicators. The quantitative data of the pilot test, which mean 5.0, mode 5.0, standard deviation 0 and quartile deviation 0, indicates that the questionnaire just suits this study based on three pilot experts’ input. However, four indicators should be phraseological modified according to the qualitative responses of the pilot experts.
Lee, C.-K. (2015). What Matters For Assuring Radio Program Quality.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 5(December 2015 - Special Issue), 201-212.
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