The Possibility of Being Don Quixote in the Face of Popular Postmodern Music
Hatice Selen Tekin 1 *
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1 Sakarya University, Turkey
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp. 126-157.
OPEN ACCESS 1435 Views 630 Downloads Published online: 24 Jan 2012
Popular music, which is one of the most important areas of popular culture, is daily and superficial. It is produced so as to satisfy the current taste of the society and it is consumed quickly. This consumption is so quick that a name or a song which you kept on saying a short while ago disappears in the course of time.
The trend of light music which started with arrangements in 1960s evolved into “rock” after a while, and then into “pop”, later into “arabesque”. From the 1960s until today, many artists have been producing original works in this area. Therefore, popular culture and popular music which is one of the elements of popular culture can not be indeed worthless and banal from a cultural point of view. It reflects the relevant period and it is a crucial part of the culture. However, the form of its production and presentation which is made with commercial concerns trivializes it from an artistic point of view.
In the study, the aim is to analyze for what and whom popular culture and its attendant popular music serves and the philosophy of music involved in this culture, instead of trying to understand what popular culture is. The main topic is to defend conventionalism as opposed to popular culture and to defend genuine music of the Turk as opposed to popular music.
Tekin, H. S. (2012). The Possibility of Being Don Quixote in the Face of Popular Postmodern Music.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 2(1), 126-157.