The Parental Perspective on the New Media

Sibel Onursoy 1 *
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1 Anadolu University, Turkey
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 4, Issue 3, pp. 190-202.
OPEN ACCESS   1524 Views   682 Downloads   Published online: 25 Jul 2014
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Recently the use of the Internet by children and adolescents has become very extensive in Turkey. However, instead of a considered response to this issue, a sort of panic has been created by the mainstream media. Families have become greatly concerned.Adolescents‟ intense relationships with the Internet environment are seen as involving certain risks. But in general, the dynamics behind the attractiveness of the Internet are not discussed clearly at the level of children and young people. The impact of the Internet -which seems to make lives easier-on parents and how they guide their children on the Internet, is addressed in the study. The focus in this research is: Do the parents make rules about media usage? Is time limitations imposed on Internet usage, are parents aware of the Internet sites their children visit? Do they use security filters? Do they have sufficient information about the Internet and use of Internet? Do they have enough knowledge about Internet games? Do they make rules for all computer games or do they only control their children in terms of Internet games? These issues are investigated by means of in-depthinterviews, which allow the researcher to explore the feelings and perspectives of parents regarding media and children.


Onursoy, S. (2014). The Parental Perspective on the New Media. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 4(3), 190-202.