The Impact of New Media on The Forms of Culture: Digital Identity and Digital Culture
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1 Doğuş Üniversity, TURKEY
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Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 9, Issue 2, Article No: e201911.
OPEN ACCESS 5776 Views 6121 Downloads Published online: 08 May 2019
Culture is the entirety of all values that might differ and regenerate with respect to the values societies retain. Changes occurring on the whole of current societal dynamics play a major role with respect to culture as well. In this age of internet and mobile technologies, culture also has been instrumentalized and digitalized. Digitalization of culture primarily results from the individuals’ abstraction from real life and obtaining digital identities, and striving for reinforcement of their identities in that medium. Digital identities created by individuals in a virtual world generated a consequent imperialistic effect by affecting other individuals and the real life, which in turn led to serious changes regarding the concept of culture. In this regard, an individual’s identity in real life has been transformed by the created digital identity and on a macro scale, the culture of real life is led by a commonly created digital culture.
Çöteli, S. (2019). The Impact of New Media on The Forms of Culture: Digital Identity and Digital Culture.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 9(2), e201911.
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