The Design Of Renewable And Interactive E-Book Template For E-Learning Environments
Nuh Hatipoglu 1 *, Nilgun Tosun 1
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1 Trakya University, Turkey
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp. 126-140.
OPEN ACCESS 1685 Views 995 Downloads Published online: 24 Apr 2012
In this study, it is aimed to minimize the labor and time spent during the updating of e-content and re-uploading them into learning management systems, which is one of the present e-learning problems. For this purpose, a new e-book template has been designed. Transferring content into e-book consists of two important steps. Firstly, the contents prepared in MS Word program are transformed into XML. Later, the contents transformed into XML are read by e-book template. EBONI design principles have been highly obeyed during the design of the template. Some of the EBONI design principles used in the e-book template are book cover, contents, short page contents, legible writing format, multimedia and interactive items that may activate users. Thanks to these, an e-learning environment that is visually rich, easy to understand and follow with flexible contents has been attempted to create.
Hatipoglu, N., & Tosun, N. (2012). The Design Of Renewable And Interactive E-Book Template For E-Learning Environments.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 2(2), 126-140.