Social Networking Experiences on Facebook: A Study on the Students’ of Comilla University

Belal Hossain 1 *
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1 Comilla University, Bangladesh
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 7, Issue 3, pp. 111-132.
OPEN ACCESS   2694 Views   1688 Downloads   Published online: 26 Jul 2017
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This study is to identify the students’ experiences on the uses of their favourite social networking site like Facebook and its effect on their daily life. In this paper, a survey was conducted by ninety five (95) students’ from the six faculties of the Comilla University are taken as samples. Data were collected by using a questionnaire during July to August 2016.Most of the respondents reported that a constructive effects of using social networking sites is evident in their daily life. This study significantly found that they used Facebook for communication with their friends and others, getting information, educational purpose, sending birthday greetings, job purpose and entertainment etc. This study also suggested that there is a need for higher education policy makers in Bangladesh to properly connect the students’ involvement in social networking to their academic purposes.


Hossain, B. (2017). Social Networking Experiences on Facebook: A Study on the Students’ of Comilla University. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 7(3), 111-132.


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