Social Media Usage of Small and Medium Sized Companies: Do they Get a Competitive Advantage?

Gulcin Ipek Emeksiz 1 *
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1 Anadolu University, Turkey
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 7, Issue December 2017 - Special Issue, pp. 82-93.
OPEN ACCESS   1512 Views   898 Downloads   Published online: 01 Dec 2017
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Facebook is still the leading social networking site in the world that people primarily use to connect with their friends, share their thoughts and feelings, catch up with the news and trends in their surroundings and follow their favourite brands. Since Facebook is a cost-effective tool, many multinational large sized companies from a variety of sectors worldwide have opened brand fan pages on Facebook to reach their target audience conveniently. These large sized companies cooperating with social media agencies and implementing a corporate communication strategy on their Facebook brand fan pages gain many benefits from their Facebook usage. However, few research have examined so far how small and medium sized enterprises, whose budgets are limited comparative to large sized companies, can gain some benefits from their Facebook usage. This research aims to look at how small and medium sized enterprises use Facebook for business purposes and whether they may get a competitive advantage from their Facebook usage.


Emeksiz, G. I. (2017). Social Media Usage of Small and Medium Sized Companies: Do they Get a Competitive Advantage?. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 7(December 2017 - Special Issue), 82-93.