Social Media in Turkish Cypriot Society: Power, Surveillance and the Monitoring Culture

Raziye Nevzat 1 *
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1 EMU, North Cyprus
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 6, Issue December 2016 - Special Issue, pp. 165-197.
OPEN ACCESS   1628 Views   812 Downloads   Published online: 01 Dec 2016
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This article investigates whether Turkish Cypriots perceive themselves under surveillance on social media. An online survey was conducted to 167 Turkish Cypriots to investigate the perception and factors of the social media surveillance and surveillance society in North Cyprus. Results indicated that social media surveillance perception had a significant relationship with age, gender, monthly income, collogue and superior surveillance, political party follower surveillance, and government institution surveillance. The study can be extended to Greek Cypriot sample to investigate the cultural differences in terms of surveillance perception.


Nevzat, R. (2016). Social Media in Turkish Cypriot Society: Power, Surveillance and the Monitoring Culture. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 6(December 2016 - Special Issue), 165-197.


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