Social Changes & Social Media Usage amongst Emirati Female
Hanan El-Sayed 1 *, Mohammed Firoz 2, Suzana Dzamtoska 1
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1 University of Sharjah, UAE
2 Australian University Dubai, UAE
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 5, Issue December 2015 - Special Issue, pp. 102-116.
OPEN ACCESS 2207 Views 5055 Downloads Published online: 01 Dec 2015
Similar to other world’s regions, the reputation and utilization of social media has risen exponentially within few years in the United Arab Emirate (UAE). The upward shift in the UAE female use of social media invited the researcher to conduct this study. The research aimed at comprehending the reasons behind increase in the social media popularity among the Emirati females. It also investigated the reasons that are causing the Emirati female increase their social media usage. The study, through the methods of comparison with the previous situation in the UAE, methods of analysis and description, is focused on the way of changing traditional believes aligned with females and how women rights in full citizenship was achieved. The study also discusses the social and economic progress in the last decade. It also follows the discussion of Internet stages of development until it reached today’s level of usage among the Emirati female.
El-Sayed, H., Firoz, M., & Dzamtoska, S. (2015). Social Changes & Social Media Usage amongst Emirati Female.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 5(December 2015 - Special Issue), 102-116.
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