Resistance and Media: “Toma” as a Metaphor of Power Relations and its Representation in Northern Cyprus Print Media

Tutku Akter 1 *
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Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 5, Issue December 2015 - Special Issue, pp. 83-101.
OPEN ACCESS   1339 Views   807 Downloads   Published online: 01 Dec 2015
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The Cyprus Island’s political issues, both internal and external, have a huge role at the predestination of the Island. Hence, there have been ongoing negotiations since 2003 about the reunification of the Island. In this regard, it is indispensable to consider the role of media punctiliously, and to understand how power relations work. This article examines discussions about bringing ‘TOMA’ (as ‘Riot Control Vehicle’) to the Northern Cyprus as a metaphor of power relations between Cyprus and Turkey. Whether or not newspapers from different ideologies would meet on a common ground in case of a situation that may threaten social structure and order, is identified as the research problem. The finding is that within particular circumstances, the media may function as a means of resistance and social struggle against external factors.


Akter, T. (2015). Resistance and Media: “Toma” as a Metaphor of Power Relations and its Representation in Northern Cyprus Print Media. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 5(December 2015 - Special Issue), 83-101.


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