Political Ads in the Swedish 2006 and 2010 Parliamentary Elections: Focus on the Sweden Democrats and the Role of Audiovisual Media

Emil Stjernholm 1 *
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1 Lund University, Sweden
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp. 32-50. https://doi.org/10.29333/ojcmt/2465
OPEN ACCESS   1591 Views   66 Downloads   Published online: 25 Apr 2014


This article is retracted by the author's request. Retraction Note: https://doi.org/10.29333/ojcmt/5725

After nearly gaining representationin 2006, the nationalist right-wing party the Sweden Democrats entered the Swedish Parliament in 2010 following a heated election campaign. In their transformation from a peripheral enterprise into a Parliament party, audiovisual political adsplayed an under-examined yet crucial role. By analyzing the party‟s use of political ads in the 2006 and the 2010 elections, this article shows that the use of audiovisual media differed drastically, in terms of budget, distribution and rhetoric, between the two elections. Furthermore, this article analyzes how the changing media landscape, from television to online video-sharing sites such as YouTube, became a central component in the negotiation of the Sweden Democrats media image. The article concludes that the Sweden Democrats, through their use of new media and the juxtaposition of different distribution platforms, further underlined their self-proclaimed outsider status in Swedish politics.


Stjernholm, E. (2014). Political Ads in the Swedish 2006 and 2010 Parliamentary Elections: Focus on the Sweden Democrats and the Role of Audiovisual Media. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 4(2), 32-50. https://doi.org/10.29333/ojcmt/2465