Perception of Pranks on Social Media: Clout-Lighting

Yosra Jarrar 1 * , Ayodeji Awobamise 2, Sheila Nnabuife 3, Gabriel E. Nweke 3
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1 American University in Dubai, Dubai, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
2 Kampala International University, UGANDA
3 Girne American University, NORTH CYPRUS
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 10, Issue 1, Article No: e202001.
OPEN ACCESS   4984 Views   8741 Downloads   Published online: 11 Nov 2019
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The development of the internet and social media has created new opportunities for using pranks as disguised means of generating clicks and social media engagement by social media users. As a means of humor, a prank has formed one of the major contents of social media landscape purposively designed to draw public attention to perpetrators’ walls and to generate comments in a social media driven economy of pay-per-click/view. This study aims to examine the reasons people carry out pranks against their intimate partners and to also find out if there is a relationship between self-esteem and the tendency to carry out pranks against ones intimate partner and to share such videos online. The study revealed that social media use, age, gender and the partners’ self-esteem predict the tendency for pranks among romantic partners in a relationship and that that pranks decrease the level of satisfaction in relationship among partners.


Jarrar, Y., Awobamise, A., Nnabuife, S., & Nweke, G. E. (2020). Perception of Pranks on Social Media: Clout-Lighting. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 10(1), e202001.


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