Is Psychological Capital A Form of Emotional Intelligence? A research on University Students

Eylem Şimşek 1 *, Hakkı Aktaş 2
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1 Turkish Air Force, Turkey
2 Istanbul University, Turkey
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 6, Issue September 2016 - Special Issue, pp. 192-202.
OPEN ACCESS   1476 Views   1541 Downloads   Published online: 01 Sep 2016
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Psychological capital (PsyCap) is defined as one’s being hopeful, resistant, self-confident and optimistic (Luthans & Youssef, 2004). Whereas emotional intelligence stated by Goleman (1998) as “the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships”. Emotional intelligence is a combination of individuals’ personal competence and social competence (Goleman, Boyatzis & McKee, 2002). Both emotional intelligence and PsyCap has been evaluated as inner resources of positive outputs like success, satisfaction, well-being, health etc. But it is not clear to what extent emotional intelligence and PsyCap were similar. The purpose of this research is to examine the interaction between emotional intelligence and psychological capital by employing a quantitative approach of scientific inquiry. A demographic data sheet, Psychological Capital Questionnaire (Luthans et. al, 2007) and Emotional Competence Inventory (ECI, Boyatzis, Goleman & Rhee, 2000) has been implemented. Correlation, and multiple regression techniques were conducted. Significant results revealed that PsyCap and emotional intelligence were significantly associated. The correlation between PsyCap and EI is (r=.540, p≤.01). Subfactors of EI, social awareness and self-awareness, explained 28.8% of the variance on PsyCap.


Şimşek, E., & Aktaş, H. (2016). Is Psychological Capital A Form of Emotional Intelligence? A research on University Students. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 6(September 2016 - Special Issue), 192-202.


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