Integrative use of Social Media in Health Communication

Daniel Robledo 1 *
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1 Franklin University, USA
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 77-95.
OPEN ACCESS   2006 Views   1112 Downloads   Published online: 24 Oct 2012
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This paper examines the integrative uses of social media in a health marketing setting. The focus is on the theory of selective and limited influences and the concepts of selective perception and exposure. Communication that engages participants enables a reduction in cognitive dissonance and enhances the perception of messages. An evaluation of communication theories and changes in health care dialogue are identified and assessed. Innovations are occurring in health communications that are improving the experience for end-users. A literature review was used to examine the topic and provide a framework for developing propositions that could be applied in a health communication setting. The specific uses for social media channels are outlined and the use of integrating social media channels is demonstrated in the obstetrics and gynecology specialty of high-risk maternal health. The findings indicate that social media should not only be delivered as independent channels but can be integrated into applications to be used in mobile settings that improve and enhance business objectives. Finally, it is proposed that organizational goals can be achieved with a well formulated social media monitoring plan.


Robledo, D. (2012). Integrative use of Social Media in Health Communication. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 2(4), 77-95.