Impact of Social Networking Sites on the Mauritian Youth: A Study of Their Life Styles and Its Effectiveness in Nation Building

Krishna Kumar Jha 1 *
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1 University of Mauritius, Mauritius
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 6, Issue September 2016 - Special Issue, pp. 86-105.
OPEN ACCESS   1521 Views   3940 Downloads   Published online: 01 Sep 2016
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Online Social Networking sites have achieved a phenomenal growth over the last decade attracting much attention from researchers. Most of the major social media are predominated by the youth, exploiting it for one purpose or the other. A sample of 300 was collected from Secondary and Tertiary Institutes of Mauritius highlighting usage, purpose, time spent, impact and influence, level of trust and the future role of social media, this explorative study examines the impact of social networking sites on the lifestyles of Mauritian youth and its effectiveness in nation building.


Jha, K. K. (2016). Impact of Social Networking Sites on the Mauritian Youth: A Study of Their Life Styles and Its Effectiveness in Nation Building. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 6(September 2016 - Special Issue), 86-105.


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