Audiovisual in the streaming era: Millennials’ and centennials’ perspectives on cruelty and historical truthfulness

Carlos Fernández-Rodríguez 1 * , Luis Miguel Romero-Rodríguez 2 3, Belén Puebla-Martínez 2
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1 Universidad Atlantico Medio, Las Palmas, SPAIN
2 Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid, SPAIN
3 Espiritu Santo University, Guayaquil, ECUADOR
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 13, Issue 4, Article No: e202350.
OPEN ACCESS   796 Views   658 Downloads   Published online: 07 Sep 2023
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The current audiovisual landscape via streaming is characterized by images loaded with aesthetics and violence. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to decipher the audience’s feelings about the violent and dystopian plots that saturate the current panorama of audiovisual entertainment through a survey aimed at millennials and centennials in Spain and Mexico, who are the viewers who consume the most streaming platforms of the two countries. The results show that viewers do not feel that these series, contrary to what it might seem, cause them sadness or low spirits, and, likewise, these viewers consume these products without having a specific idea of whether the audiovisual should show cruelty, historical accuracy or the vicissitudes of the world. In conclusion, this research provides a current map of the feelings of the OTT audience about the shocking, bloody, and visceral images that are so present in the routine of young audiences.


Fernández-Rodríguez, C., Romero-Rodríguez, L. M., & Puebla-Martínez, B. (2023). Audiovisual in the streaming era: Millennials’ and centennials’ perspectives on cruelty and historical truthfulness. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 13(4), e202350.


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